About Journal

In The Name of GOD

The present journal was initially published entitled "Wheat Research" in 2018. The publication received the license to publish two quarterly publications from the Press Supervisory Board of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance with publication license number 81447 dated 2018-3-5. On 2021-9-13, based on the permission of the said board, the title of the journal was changed to "Plant Production and Genetics" to expand and Improve Knowledge and research. This Journal is published by the University of Kurdistan (Plant Production ad Genetics Department, Faculty of Agriculture). This bi-quarterly receives articles online through the system https://jwr.uok.ac.ir and publishes them after the professional judging process.


Plant Production and Genetics is an open access peer-reviewed journal for scholarship. It is published biquarterly both electronically and in print by the University of Kurdistan, Iran.


Plant Production and Genetics has been indexed in the well-known databases such as Google ScholarŲŒ Jihad Daneshgahi Scientific Database (SID),  Bank Information of country publications (Magiran), Civilica, Linkd In and Academia. Plant Production and Genetics is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Plant Production and Genetics is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC- By 4.0). Licensees may copy, distribute, display and make derivative works only if they cite the original published articles.


Journal Identity Information

  • Publisher: University of Kurdistan
  • Title: Plant Production and Genetics
  • Print ISSN: 2821-0913
  • Online ISSN: 2821-0492
  • Publication Order: Biquarterly
  • Type of referring: Double-blind
  • Main language: Persian
  • Abstract: Persian- English
  • Referee and publication process: Completely Free
  • Access to articles: Open Access
  • Release Policy: CC- By 4.0
  • Journal website: https://jwr.uok.ac.ir
  • Journal Email: jppg@uok.ac.ir
  • Tel: +988733627721 extension 3346