Evaluation of growth indices, yield, and yield components of red bean cultivars in cold climatic conditions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University, Iran

2 Master of horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture Jihad, Tehran, Iran

3 Bachelor of Agronomy, Agricultural Towns Company, Ministry of Agriculture Jihad, Tehran, Iran

4 Bachelor of Agronomy, Agricultural Jihad Organization, Qom, Iran



This experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with four replications and five cultivars of red beans, including local of Azna, Derakhshan, Sayad, Goli, and Naz in Jihad Agricultural Service Center Al-Mahdi Town, Azna. Results showed that red bean cultivars differ in the characteristics measured (P < 0.01). The highest dry weight, LAI, plant height, distance between internodes, nodes number on the stem, seeds number per plant and per square meter, harvest index, grain yield per plant and square meter, and biological yield belonged to the Goly cultivar. But, the highest CGR was in local varieties of Azna. Naz cultivar had the highest number of leaves per plant, number of sub-branches per plant and square meter, and number of fertile pods per plant. But Sayad cultivar had the highest NAR, RGR, and number of seeds per pod, and the Derakhshan cultivar had the highest ratio of the pod to plant height and 100- seed weight. Except for the lowest seeds number per pod in Naz and ratio pod to height and nodes number in Goly, the lowest Other characters were obtained in Derakhshan. According to the results of this experiment, the Goli cultivar is suitable for cultivation in the study area. The study of correlation relationships showed high and significant correlation between yield, and biological dry weight (0.77**), leaf area index (0.72**), crop growth rate (0.66**), sub-branch number per plant and per square meter (0.61**), node number per plant (0.98**), seed number per plant (0.86**), 100-seed weight (-0.45*), pod-to-height ratio(-0.88**), distance between nodes (0.79), height (0.91**), biological yield (0.49*) and harvest index (0.61**).
