Effect of biofertilizer on yield and yield components of some wheat and barley cultivars

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kunduz University, Afghanistan. and MS.c. graduate, Department of Agronomy, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran

2 Associate professor, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Takhar University, Afghanistan

3 Lecturer, Department of Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Kunduz University, Afghanistan



The present experiment aimed to investigate the effect of biofertilizers on some agronomic characteristics of different wheat and barley cultivars. The experiment was performed as a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with 3 replications. The treatments consisted of three levels of inoculation (Barvar-2, actinomycetes, barvar-2 + actinomycetes) and 14 cultivars (8 wheat cultivars: Morwarid, Gonbad, Karim, Ehsan, Daria, N-91-8, N -91-9, N-91-17 and 6 cultivars of barley: Turkmen, Sahra, local, Yusuf, naked). The results showed that the effect of cultivars and dual interaction of cultivar x biofertilizer on the number of seeds per pot and per spike, number of fertile tillers per pot, and number of spikelets per spike was significant. The number of fertile tillers per plant was affected only by cultivar. The application of biofertilizer significantly influenced the number of spikelets per spike. The comparison of the mean of single kernel weight also showed that the highest amount (0.0491g) was observed with the Yousef cultivar in barley. However, the lowest amount (0.0244g) was recorded in the local cultivar of barley. The highest grain yield (2.366g per plant) was obtained from the Yousef cultivar in barley and the lowest value (1.242g per plant) was observed with the Daria cultivar of wheat. The highest harvest index (51.01%) was recorded with the naked barley. In general, the effect of cultivar on grain yield was significant, and barley cultivars had a higher yield compared with wheat cultivars.
