The effect of foliar application of micronutrient elements in different growth stages on the yield and quality of white bean seeds

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Dryland Agricultural Research Institute, Sararood Branch,, Agricultural Research,Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), kermanshah, Iran.

2 Agriculture Research, Education and Natural Resources Center, Lorestan, Province, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Boroujerd, Iran



In order to investigate the effect of foliar application of micronutrient fertilizers at different phenological stages on the yield and quality of white bean seed (Almas cultivar)an experiment was carried out in twoconsecutive years (2016-2017). The experiment was done as arandomized complete block design with 16 treatments andthree replications in the Agriculture Research, Education and Natural Resources Campus of Boroujerd. Treatments included control(c), pre-flowering(G1), flowering(G2), pod stage(G3) , seed hardening stage(G4),) G1+ G2),) G1+ G3), (G1+ G4),( G2+ G3),( G2+ G4),( G3+ G4),( G1+ G2+ G3),( G1+ G2+ G4),( G2+ G3+ G4),( G1+ G3+ G4),( G1+ G2+ G3+ G4). The results showed that the highest grain yield (5354kg.ha-1) belonged tothe foliar application in three stages of before flowering, flowering and seed filing in the second year .Thelowest grain yield (3902kg.ha-1)obtaibed from the control treatment in the first year. the highest amount of iron and zinc belonged to the foliar application in three stagesof before flowering, flowering, and seed filling. The highest seed amount of iron and zinc was 112 and 39, respectively. Therefore, in order to achieve optimum grain yield, foliar application should be carried out in three stages of pre-flowering, flowering and seed filling stages.
