Predicting the emergence of weeds of wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.) and turnipweed (Rapistrum rugosum (L) All.) in canola

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer, Department of Agronomy, Agriculture college of Sari, Technical Vocational University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, South Kerman Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center (AREEO), Jiroft, Iran



The timing of weed emergence is among the most important variables determining how species respond to management measures. In order to predict the emergence pattern of wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.) and turnipweed (Rapistrum rugosum (L) All.) under different management operation, a split plot experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design with three replications in Sari Agricultural College in 2022. Two tillage systems (Conventional tillage and no-till) and three doses of Butisan Star (quinomerac + metazachlor) (0, 50, and 100 g ai ha-1) were considered as experimental factors. The three-parameter logistic function described well the general trend of the emergence pattern of wild mustard and turnipweed against soil thermal time (STT). The results showed that wild mustard in the no-till (NT) system had a shorter mean emergence time (MET) (96.01) and a higher emergence rate index (ERI) (0.29) compared to the conventional tillage (CT) system, and by receiving a lower growing degree days (T50) (742.21), it reached 50% of its cumulative emergence faster. On the other hand, turnipweed in CT had a lower MET (75.38) and a higher ERI (0.26) than NT, and by receiving a lower T50 (616.52), it reached 50% of its cumulative emergence faster. Also, wild mustard and turnipweed at the dose of 100 g ai ha-1 of Butisan Star had the highest MET (103.10 and 78.30 respectively) and the lowest ERI (0.08 and 0.07 respectively), and by receiving higher T50 (851.67 and 640.75 respectively), they achieved 50% cumulative emergence of seedlings later. In total, turnipweed in both tillage systems and all three doses of Botisan Star herbicide had a lower MET compared to wild mustard and by receiving lower T50, it achieved 50% cumulative seedling emergence faster at the beginning of the growing season. On this basis, growth stage suitable for controlling turnipweed, when the main wave of seedlings of other species still have not found emergence. The results of this research provide robust information on predicting the emergence time of wild mustard and turnipweed, which can help growers make better management decisions.
