Effects of humic acid on quantitative characteristics of pergularia and chicory in aeroponic system

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc. student, Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Horticultural Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran



In this research, the effects of foliar application of humic acid were evaluated on morphological traits of chicory (Cichoirium intybus L.) and pergularia (Pergularia tomentosa L.) in aeroponic system. Aeroponic system is a suitable method for investigating the effects of nutrient elements and optimizing growth of different plants in controlled conditions. The treatments were including control and 200, 400 and 600 mg/L humic acid. Foliar application of fertilizers was done at 20, 40 and 60 days after seed culture in aeroponic system. After 4 months, the morphological traits were measured. The results of ANOVA indicated that the effects of treatment were significant for plant height, root length, number and area of leaves, fresh and dry weights of the shoot and root in chicory and pergularia. The results in pergularia showed that 600 mg/L resulted in the highest plant height, root length, volume root, leaf number, dry and fresh weights of root and dry and fresh weights of shoot and the lowest of the mentioned traits were observed in the control. In the chicory, the results showed that the highest and lowest values of plant height, root length, volume root, leaf number, dry and fresh weights of root and dry and fresh weights of shoot belonged to the highest concentration of humic acid and the control treatment, respectively. It can be said that the use of a 600 mg/L of humic acid in the aeroponic system can improve the quantitative characteristics of the pergularia and chicory.
